Social Sciences, asked by vincy92, 1 year ago

discoveries and inventions during the stone and middle ages help humans do you agree why​


Answered by kichug2005


Yes. Discoveries and Inventions during the stone and middle ages helped humans to drastically evolve from whom they were at that time and such discovery was that of Fire. At some unknown time, before the beginning of settled life in the Neolithic Revolution, humans learned how to make fire. No doubt the discovery happens at many different times in many different places over a very long period. The knowledge of how to create a spark, and to nurture it until it develops into a flame, is an intrinsic skill of human society. Bow and Arrow, Needle and Thread were all such important discoveries made at that time.


Answered by snghsneha


Stone Age People

When you watch movies featuring early Stone Age people, who lived from the beginning of human existence until about 3,000 BCE, they are usually depicted as cavemen who only carry clubs. While Stone Age tools were not as complex as what we find in later periods, they were more developed than just a big stick used to beat something. In fact, as we will see, the Stone Age people not only used more complex tools than this, but were responsible for inventing various necessities we use everyday.

Stone Age Tools & Weapons

As you sit in front of your fireplace on a cold winter's night with a mug of your favorite beverage and a warm sweater, you are enjoying the products of Stone Age innovation. As the first people, the Stone Age people were the first to discover and use fire. Fire was not just used for warmth and cooking, which were necessary as the Ice Age occurred in the middle of the Stone Age, but also for protection from wild animals.

Stone Age people also invented clothing as a means of warmth and protection from the elements. In the earliest part of the Stone Age, the Paleolithic Age, humans learned to make leather from animal skin and linen from flax. With the domestication of animals in the latest part of the Stone Age, the Neolithic Age, people started making clothing from wool, sometimes even dyeing it. Next time you wear a red wool holiday sweater, you can tell your friends you are wearing the invention of Stone Age people!

Clothing and fire are not the only things the Stone Age people invented - they also invented various types of containers, like the mugs you use for hot chocolate or even cookie jars. People in the Stone Age learned how to make pottery, which they used to gather and store liquids. They also made woven baskets to gather and store dry goods, which gave their food a longer ''shelf life'' before it spoiled.


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