Discovery of magnets has improved the quality of our life.Do you agree with this statement?Write your views on a piece of paper and share your views with your friends.
Nowadays magnets are being widely used in our daily lives.They are used for seperating magetic wastes from non magnetic wastes in scrapyards,they are used in machines and various instruments such as loudspeakers, televisions,remotes,radios etc . Maglev trains which run on the properties of magnetic attraction help to reduce pollution.Thus they play a very important role in our lives.
1) Yes, Discovery of magnets has
improved the quality of our life.
2) From the discoveries of the great
scientists we have came to know
that Earth is like a big magnet. It
exactly behaves like a magnet.
3) By the invention of magnetic
compassion and magnetic needles
we can easily distinguish the
directions and wind currents
which help in weather forecasting.
4) By the use of magnets, electricity
is generated which is a major
boon to this generation.
5) These are extensionally used in
gadgets like radio, tape recorder
and some other electronic
6) By the use of magnetic
conductors high speed bullet
trains can be produced.