Chemistry, asked by ankitsagar, 11 months ago

discribe about planks quantum theory ?


Answered by seenu001


1 ) Any substance radiate energy ot a sorb energy discountiously in the form of smalll packet.

2 ) Each packet of energy is known as quantum , But in case of light each packet of energy is known as photons.

3 ) According yo placks quantum theory energy is directly proportional to frequency.

E = hf ( h = planks constant= 6.6 × 10^-34 )

and , f = c/ lamda( wave length )

so , E = hc/ lamda.


Answered by Anonymous
plank's law desribes the spectral density of electron magnetic radiation emitted by black body in thermal equilibrium at a given temperature
it is the pioneering results for physics and quantam theory
=> energy is not emmited or absorbed continuously( emmited in packet or quanta)
=>he had given the name quantam to small quantity of energy absorbed or emitted
in case of electromagnetic radiation called as photon
energy of quantum number is directly proportional to frequency
planks constant=h =6.626×10power-34 Meter square kg / sec
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