English, asked by Napongba, 9 months ago

Discribe the relationship that gandhiji shared with his friends?


Answered by zakir14376


can anyone inbox me......

Answered by Anonymous





Gandhi and friends

Title: Faith and Freedom. Gandhi in History. Author: Mushirul Hasan.

Title: Faith and Freedom. Gandhi in History. Author: Mushirul Hasan. | Photo Credit: Scanned in Chennai R.K.Sridharan

B. Surendra Rao

22 APRIL 2013 22:59 IST

UPDATED: 22 APRIL 2013 22:59 IST

Mushirul Hasan brings to life less-known sides of well-known personages from the freedom movement

The story of India’s freedom struggle has been recounted and debated over endlessly and indefatigably in independent India, and so is the life of the Mahatma. Serious researches have gone into these themes, although the circulating images of the freedom India won and the partition it suffered are often available for uncritical celebrations and cynical denunciations respectively. Gandhi too has suffered on account of his Mahatmahood, both at the hands of his hagiographers and those who looked upon him as a failed thaumaturgist.

Faith and Freedom is, for a change, not a familiarly told linear and teleological story of Indian freedom, nor is it a routine ‘He-brought-us-freedom’ type of celebration of Gandhi. Instead, what Mushirul Hasan, one of the best and sure-footed historians of modern India, has done is to situate Gandhi, respectfully but critically, within the context of different forces at work and the men who represented them in India’s struggle for freedom.

The book assumes that the freedom movement was propelled and at times thwarted by many ideologies, hopes and frustrations, which fit ill with the nationalist image of Gandhi leading the nation like Pied Piper of Hamelin. Yet the signature of Gandhi is unmistakably visible in the story, which even the binder of the book has appropriately acknowledged.


hope it helped you friend if it helps you mark it as brainliest

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