English, asked by naseebrh007, 6 months ago

discribe the role play by the women in supporting to live back to hersama(from the chapter weathering the storm in the ersma​


Answered by Bebopatel7b


follow Karna jaruri ha na please

OK I will think and answer you back

Answered by tonystark22282


A House is not a Home Summary in English by Zan Gaudioso

June 19, 2020 by Prasanna

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

A House is not a Home Summary in English by Zan Gaudioso

A House is not a Home by Zan Gaudioso About the Author

Zan Gaudioso is an author based in California. She has contributed stories to and edited the famous Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. These books consist of short stories that seek to comfort and inspire readers. Among these, her most notable contributions have been for the book, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul III. Zan has also co-writered The Buddha Next Door: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Stories.

A House is not a Home Summary in English

This story relates the experiences of the writer after she joins a new high school. All her friends have gone to a different school and she feels very isolated among the new students and teachers. She often visits the teachers in her old school and they encourage her to participate in the activities at her new school. They assure her that in time she will grow to love her new school.

On a Sunday afternoon soon after, the writer is seated on the dining table, doing her homework. As it is a cold and windy day, there is a fire going in the fireplace. The writer’s red tabby cat is lying on top of her school papers. The reader is informed that the writer had rescued the cat when it was a kitten and since then they have had a close relationship. Suddenly, the writer smells something strange: she looks up to the ceiling sees that smoke is pouring in through its seams. It fills the room quickly and they run out of the house to find that the fire has engulfed the roof. While the writer runs to the neighbour’s house to call the fire department, her mother runs back into the house.

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