Discus 5 personality traits Abraham lincoln wanted his son to have
Abraham Lincoln wrote a letter to his son's teacher in which he described the personality traits that he would like his son to have. He wrote that his son will need to have faith, love and courage to live his life.
He wanted his son to have faith that there are is goodness in the world. So he asked his teacher to teach him that for every scoundrel there is a hero and for every enemy there is a friend.
He wanted him to be hardworking. He asked his teacher to teach him that 10 cents earned is much more valuable than a dollar which is found.
He wanted him to be honest. He wrote in the letter that it is more honourable to fail than to cheat.
He wanted his son to be confident and have faith in his own ideas even when everyone said that they were wrong.
He wanted his son to be courageous and brave.
As Abraham Lincoln’s son was starting school, he wrote a letter to the teacher. This letter gives a detailed list of the personality traits that he wanted his son to develop. Lincoln wanted the teacher’s help in getting the son to develop them. Some of them are:
# Grow up becoming an honest gentleman. For this, the son had to know that 10 cents earned was more valuable than a dollar he found lying on the floor.
# Learn that both success and failure are a part of life. The son should be able to enjoy when he wins and also accept failure gracefully.
# Not feel shameful about crying when he is upset. There is no need to hide his tears. However, she should know how to laugh through his tears.
# Be gentle with everyone, but be tough with those who are tough with others. He wanted his son to turn away from cynics.
# Not to follow a crowd just because everyone else is doing it. He must listen to everyone but must know to filter the content and take only the good part of it.