discus in detail the system of higher education in Uniyed state of America. How this system is different from the system of higher education in Pakistan.
Pakistan, this situation to have multiple majors is not common.No doubt, in many universities Pakistani students has choice to choose their majors after two years of study in their four years Bachelors degree.In Pakistan students can study their Masters degree in a different subject rather than their First major.Conclusion is this that all these options to switch major are not easy to avail sometimes but it exists.
Higher education in the United States is an optional final stage of formal learning following secondary education. Higher education, also referred to as post-secondary education, third stage, third level, or tertiary education .
High visibility issues include rising tuition and increasing student loan debt, greater use of online education, competency-based education, fraternity hazing, campus sexual assault, cutbacks in state and local spending, the adjunctification of academic labor, and student poverty and hunger.
While sitting in a class room in Pakistan, almost every student has a dream to move to United States or other developed countries their higher education.But the point is this why students are not satisfied with education system in Pakistan and why they want to move overseas.
In Pakistan, this situation to have multiple majors is not common.No doubt, in many universities Pakistani students has choice to choose their majors after two years of study in their four years Bachelors degree.In Pakistan students can study their Masters degree in a different subject rather than their First major.Conclusion is this that all these options to switch major are not easy to avail sometimes but it exists.