Accountancy, asked by sindusarode6284, 1 year ago

Discuss 4Functions of funding Agencies For entreprenuership and doing business in South Africa


Answered by mihirsingh994
Discuss 4Functions of funding Agencies For entreprenuership and doing business in South Africa-

HOW TO GUIDESWhat Funding Options Are There For Entrepreneurial Businesses In South Africa?
This article summarises the funding options South Africa’s entrepreneurs can explore.

Donna Rachelson Published 2 years ago on Sep 16, 2016 By Donna Rachelson
Despite there being ample funding channels available to startups and SMEs, there is a dearth of information about where and how to access them. This is thwarting the ability of small businesses to access funding, grow their businesses and create jobs.

Entrepreneurs in South Africa are battling to raise the funds they need to grow their businesses. 47% of start-up entrepreneurs that Seed Academy surveyed this year, cited the lack of finance as their major impediment to business growth.

Start-up businesses reach a point in their lifecycle where only financial resources will move their businesses into operationally viable concerns.

Ironically, there are a host of public and private funding vehicles available to entrepreneurs in South Africa. Despite the abundance of institutions that have large sums of money available, about 85% of entrepreneurs are self-funded.

Many more are simply not able to bootstrap (self-fund). Our latest statistics show that only 2% of startup entrepreneurs have benefited from bank loans and Development Finance Institutions (DFIs).

Related: Small Business Funding In South Africa

So what is on offer?
There are ample opportunities for businesses to secure funding from public and private institutions. Government and its various ministries and agencies together have hundreds of different support mechanisms to promote SMEs across the country.

Angel funders and seed investors
Angel funders and seed investors collect capital with more than one person investing in an attractive small business and sustaining it until it scales. Promising start-ups that have been in business two years or so and show high potential for success appeal to angel funders and seed investors.

In return, the entrepreneur shares partial control or equity of the business and provides a return on investment to the funders. Interestingly, these same enterprises have usually been turned away from traditional institutions.

In South Africa, our angel network is still immature compared to other countries, but this is starting to change.

Crowdfunding or crowd source capital
Crowdfunding or crowd source capital is another way of raising capital in smaller amounts from a larger number of people. It relies on the power of the internet and social media to expand the pool of prospective investors beyond that of traditional lenders.

Typically, the entrepreneur will profile her or his business on a website that is specially designed to link entrepreneurs with potential investors.

Related: 4 Funding Sources

Venture capital funding
Venture capital funding

A small business that may be high-risk but shows real potential for high returns will be attractive to venture capital funders, who usually build a portfolio of several different entrepreneurial concerns at one time.

There are different types of venture capital firms, and each has a different approach to the kind of support they provide.

Related: 10 Steps To Starting Your Business For Free (Almost)

Traditional bank loans
Banks are traditionally risk-averse, though they are increasingly developing products to support the growth of SA’s SME sector. Yet they still tend to go for ‘safer options’ to minimise risk.

When considering loans to small businesses, banks will want to see accurate cash flow forecasts and proof of longer-term clients and lucrative prospects from the entrepreneur
Answered by dreamrob

Some functions of funding in South Africa for entrepreneurship and business , are as follows -

The main purpose for funding is to hold up organisations likeresearch and innovation.

Funding in south africa can happen through the agency named , Research and Innovation Support and Advancement (RISA) . The basic purpose for it is to admire or encourage interest in science and technology through business unit .

Again other initiative by South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA) , which aims to provide high-end research through an agency.

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