Discuss an incident in your life when you feel you were in a difficult situation and God answered your prayers. Also, reflect on the power of prayer.
I would like to share my experiences that I have been able to have with God for the last two and a half years. I have been very sick since I was a baby and am now 38. I was struggling with myself and had given up on living. I prayed to God and since then I have seen several miracles. I was able to get off of my medications that was hindering my mind from being able to have the motivation to feel better. Once I got off my medications and started to feel healthier, I was able to see GOD’S Eye. I never knew that was something that anyone has ever seen and still don’t know if anyone has. It was amazing it was about the size of 2 airplanes in the sky and next to it was an angel. The eye was beautiful. The color of his eye is of the sky with blue and clouds within and it moved around. I am not sure if anyone else saw this at the time. I wish I shared this sooner as some time has passed. I was in Nevada at the time but I live in Sacramento. The angel was moving in and out of the clouds and then went away. His eye moved around just as you would move your own eye. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. God has the whole world in his hands. Since then I have seen 2 white doves flying over me as I was reading the bible outside which represents my daughter and myself being safe with God after all we have been through. I have also got to hear his laughter when I learned how to ride a motorcycle. His laughter is the most joyful laughter you could ever imagine hearing and I have been able to hear him laugh once more after that. When I went camping, he also sang to me. I have had a very painful life full of much sadness and have had experiences that have caused me to be crippled with emotional and physical problems. I am able to speak with God and he is helping me to discover just how strong my connection to him is.
Please mark me as brainliest
The week I considered sliding from agnosticism into atheism, I suffered an accident and had a near-death experience. I found myself in front of God and the intercessor, who I have come to believe was Jesus Christ. The intercessor was necessary to act as the communication intermediary between God and me, and He spoke on my behalf.
After being chaperoned by an angel to observe a past life—my outer self then was much different, but my eyes and soul were the same as the ones I see in the mirror every day (It was so weird! First I seemed familiar to myself, and then when I got in close I saw that those eyes were my own)—I found myself standing before God where I experienced a life review and God singled out one moment of my life when I had acted carelessly in my actions and words and had made another feel bad, even though I was not aware at the time. God explained to me how that person had felt because of my words and allowed me to feel exactly what they felt as if I were them. I was immediately remorseful from the bottom of my heart and with all honesty I repented, and God was satisfied with that. I had made good because I made a full understanding and was forgiven because I was truly sorry. I did not mean to hurt another and would not repeat that mistake again in that same way because I understood in the universal sense of why I should not. Being attentive to others’ feelings that are impacted by our words and actions and caring about them enough to correct them because it is the right thing to do is exercising love.
I was next informed that I could ask any question about life and the universe. I asked why good things happen to bad people, and then felt silly about asking such a simple question when there surely are better questions to ask in front of God. God replied that it is, in fact, the first question most people ask first. The answer was surprisingly simple when you are capable of seeing a much larger perspective on the world. Cause and effect of two events many miles away that seem unrelated are actually related in the giant ecosystem of events, but our minds are too tiny to process and therefore too myopic to see. All in all, sometimes the lesson is for you, and sometimes it is for someone else. Pain and illness, even tragedy and grief, are uncomfortable, but they are not the end. Even chaos, bad events, and horror are part of the larger plan. Life is a collection of experiences for the individual. For God’s chosen, death on the Earth is not the end.
I then asked several other questions, mainly about how the world worked scientifically. I was shown the code of plant growth from seed to bloom and back again, as well as the perfect synchronization of the planets. Even accidents to us are not so. The world and how it works is perfect, but we lack the perception and therefore understanding. Each and every one of us are born with the entire knowledge of everything, and life is a process of remembering what we already know.
I was told I was predestined, meaning that my life has already been prewritten or created before I was born. I didn’t ask if all people were like that, or if it was just me.
I asked if I had died and would now stay in that space. I was told that if I died then, that I would not have come any further than the last time I had lived, so I had to accomplish more before I could come back. Then it was explained to me that the way death works is a “don’t call us; we’ll call you” kind of situation. God determines your death time.
Just then I was sent back and awoke. It was slightly painful, but God has a beautiful sense of timing and humor. The radio played an electronica song that had drum beats building into a vocal crescendo, so as I came to 100 percent, the beats stopped and the sound of melodic angels’ voices broke out in singing. It was if God sent me a little gift on the way out to remind me of His and His angels’ holy presence.
During the transition from standing in front of God’s throne back to Earth, even though I was told up there that I would not remember some things we spoke of because I was not supposed to, I tried to remember the most important thing I could. As I came to, after the angelic song sounds, I loudly exclaimed over and over again that “We know it all along. Everything. All of us. We know it—everything—all along.”