discuss any five method of forest conservation
Methods of Forest Conservation:
Regulated and Planned Cutting of Trees: ...
Control over Forest Fire: ...
Reforestation and Afforestation: ...
Check over Forest Clearance for Agricultural and Flabitation Purposes: ...
Protection of Forest: ...
Proper Utilisation of Forest Products and Forests:
Following are the five methods of forest conservation:
(a) Planned harvesting: Cutting only some of the trees in an area. The uncut trees prevent
erosion and produce seeds so that new trees can grow.
(b) Afforestation (or Reforestation): Renewing a forest by planting seedlings or small trees of
the same species as found in the forest.
(c) Protection from forest fires: By spraying fire extinguishing solutions from aircrafts or by
changing the direction of the wind by using strong blowers.
(d) Protection from insects and pests: By using insecticides and fungicides and removing
infected trees.
(e) Protection from overgrazing: To protect growing plants, by providing pastures which can be
used by rotation.