Discuss Civil Disobediance movement in Assam??? ( 20 marks)
Civil disobedience Movement and Gandhi in Assam: The year 1930 is the beginning of the second phase of the freedom
struggle. That is the period of civil disobedience movement. Gandhi broke the salt law on 12th March 1930 with
79people.Students participation in this journey was remarkable. Gandhi was arrested on 5th May and whole Assam revolt
against the British. Especially the students and youth made a jihad. Their protest participation was remarkable. For that
reason, the education officer of Assam announced a circular to stop the political participation of the students. Then there
was another protest to disobey the Kaninghum Circular. Every one determined to stop to send their wards in government
schools. Civil Disobedience Movement was much explored by the protest movement against this circular and British Was
compelled to make the laws lucid to some extent.