discuss differences between amphibians and reptiles.
→ Appendages :- There are two pairs of limbs are present in them, each with 4-5 or fewer digits.
→ Digestive system :- Mouth is large and armed with teeth in the upper and both jaws. Amphibians are first vertebrae to have true tongue.
→ Respiratory system :- Respiration takes place by gills, lungs, skin etc.
→ Circulatory system :- The heart is three chambered... two auricles and one ventricle.
→ Example :- Frog, salamander, toad etc..
→ Appendages :- There are two pairs of limbs, each with 5 digits bearing horny claws.
→ Digestive system :- The mouth is large and usually armed with teeth in both jaws.
→ Respiratory system :- Respiration occurs by lungs. Gills are not developed at any stage.
→ Circulatory system :- The heart is incompletely 4 chambered having auricles and partially divided ventricle.
Only crocodiles have 4 chambered heart.
→ Example :- Lizards, snakes, crocodiles etc..
Differences between amphibians and reptiles.
Answer :
Amphibians :
1. Amphibians can inhabit both land and water. They can survive both on environments by breathing there.
2. The exoskeleton is absent in amphibians. Skin is slimy , soft and moist.
3. Body is divided into head and trunk. Neck is absent.
4. Digits do not have claws.
5. Respiration is by skin when in water and by lungs,when on land. Larvae breathes by gills.
6. External fertilization at the time of sexual reproduction.
7. Example :- Frog, Toad, Salamander,etc.
Reptilia :
1. Reptilians are terrestrial animals. Though turtle and sea snakes can stay in water,they cannot breathe in water.
2. Exoskeleton in the form of scales. Some animals have plates or scutes ( eq. Tortoise ).
3. Body is divided into head, neck and trunk.
4. Digits have claws.
5. Respiration is only by lungs.
6. Internal fertilization at the time of sexual reproduction.
7. Developmental stages are eggs and juvenile.
Metamorphosis is not seen in reptiles.
8. Example : Tortoise and Lizard.