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While passing electricity through electrolytes, you might have noticed some changes in them. You might also have noticed bubbles of gas at the electrodes as well as changes in the metal electrodes.All these indicate that when an electric current is passed through an electrolyte, a chemical change takes place. This chemical change is called electrolysis. The electrolyte and the electrodes used in electrolysis form an electrolytic cell.
When electricity passes through an electrolyte, the positive ions of the electrolyte move towards the cathode (negative electrode), where they gain electrons to become a neutral substance. The negative ions move towards the anode (positive electrode) and give up electrons to become neutral.
If the neutral substance is a gas in its natural state, it is evolved at an electrode. If it is a metal, it is deposited at the cathode. With the formation of neutral substances, the electrolyte is decomposed. So we can say that the decomposition of an electrolyte when electricity is passed through it is called electrolysis.
Take some water in a plastic or glass vessel. Add a pinch of salt or a few drops of an acid such as vinegar to the water. This will make the solution conduct electricity. Break open two cells and use their carbon rods as electrodes.Since carbon does not react easily, the electrodes do not undergo change during electrolysis. Place the electrodes in the solution and connect them to a battery of 6 volts. Soon you will see bubbles of gas at the electrodes. The gas evolved at the cathode is hydrogen and that at the anode is oxygen. Note that there are more bubbles at the cathode.
Electrolysis of water
The chemical change that takes place in this activity is called the electrolysis of water, in which water gets decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen. First, water splits into hydrogen (H+) and hydroxide (OH–) ions. These lose charge to form hydrogen and oxygen at the electrodes.
The overall reaction can be represented by
It is clear that the volume of hydrogen liberated is twice that of oxygen. That is why you see more bubbles at the cathode. You can use electrolysis to make an electric pen. Dissolve some potassium iodide (KI) in a starch solution.
Soak a piece of stiff paper in this solution and place it on the bared end of a wire. Connect this wire to the negative terminal of a battery. Use a wire connected to the positive terminal of the battery to write on the piece of paper.
Electric pen
In solution, potassium iodide consists of potassium and iodide ions.