Discuss file opening modes in detail.
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Different modes of opening a file
A file can be opened in different modes. Given below are some of the most commonly used modes for opening or creating a file.
# r : opens a text file in reading mode.
# w : opens or create a text file in writing mode.
# a : opens a text file in append mode.
# r+ : opens a text file in both reading and writing mode. The file must exist.
# w+ : opens a text file in both reading and writing mode. If the file exists, it is truncated first before overwriting. Any old data will be lost. If the file does not exist, a new file will be created.
# a+ : opens a text file in both reading and appending mode. New data is appended at the end of the file and does not overwrite the existing content.
# rb : opens a binary file in reading mode.
# wb : opens or create a binary file in writing mode.
ab : opens a binary file in append mode.
# rb+ : opens a binary file in both reading and writing mode, the original content is overwritten if the file exists.
# wb+: opens a binary file in both reading and writing mode and works similar to the w+ mode for binary files. The file content is deleted first and then new content is added.
# ab+: opens a binary file in both reading and appending mode and appends data at the end of the file without overwriting the existing content.
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