discuss five negative impacts of socializing on Facebook and WhatsApp 10 marks
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With the positive aspects of internet or social media comes its negative sides too, these are:
● Addiction is the first negative impact of social media. Once someone get addicted to the social media it is nearly impossible to come out of the rabbit hole. And this addiction can lead to various serious consequences ranging from distraction from studies to less interaction with real people.
● Second comes the fear of missing out which is also called as FOMO. Fear of missing out is something that a social media addict fears about missing something positive or interesting about the lives of others or any event, etc. This fear is also a cause for the addiction of social media because everyone wants to get news about each and every second of others life.
● Cyber bullying now a days is not a small thing or even not something to hide. Before internet all social media was there the following was only physical and face to face but after the introduction of social media bullying has become like a trend. The attackers look forward for weak people and the people who are vulnerable and once they find the target it becomes easy for them to Bully you in front of your peers.
● Unhealthy sleeping pattern is yet another negative impact of social media. It can be seen practically that you stay awake until late at night and keep on chatting or even discovering the social media and checking out the lives of everyone you follow or you like or even of anonymous persons. This is also One Step Closer to addiction of social media which leads to the unhealthy cycle of sleeping and getting up.
● Stress and anxiety are something which comes like buy one get one offer with the social media. If you don't find your phone and you have to check ok your social media account you easily get anxious and stressed about it. The social media and especially the internet and mobile phones effects are behavioural patterns.