discuss five point of anti poverty programme
less population
government of
India has taken a number of steps to combat poverty. Some of them are:
1. National Rural
Employment Guarantee or NREGA
According to this
employment is assured for 100 days in a year for every rural household in 200
2. National Food
for Work Programme or NFWP
This scheme is
open for the rural people who are willing to do manual unskilled work. They are
given food grains in lieu of wages. This scheme has been implemented in 150
most backward states.
3. Swarnajayanti
Gram Swarozgar Yojana or SGSY
It grants bank
credit and government subsidy to poor families who are organized into self help
groups. This gives them a chance to rise above the poverty line.
4. Pradhan Mantri
Gramodaya Yojana or PMGY
The states are
given assistance for basic services like primary health, rural shelter, primary
education, rural electrification and rural drinking water.
5. Antyodaya Anna
Yojana or AAY
According to this
scheme subsidized food is provided to millions of the poorest families.