Discuss Gandhi's views on the Swadeshi movement?
Hey dear here is Ur answer ....... According to the Gandhiji, Swadeshi is the movement which restricts one to serve the neighbouring countries while using their products. The three branches according to him were religion, education and economic life. When we abandon the use of foreign goods and services, we lead to the economic and demographic growth of the nation Mark me as brainliest if u like it
Ghandhi defined swadeshi as the spirit in people which restricts them to the use and service of their immediate surrounding to the exclusion of the more remote ones. he mentions about three parts or decision of swadeshi which are religious division, political division and economic division. Ghandhiji visioned a free India which would be a confederation of self-governing, self-reliant,self-employed people.
according to principal of swadeshi movement, first and foremost opportunity to get benefit in trading should be provided to the localities.
Gandhi states that swadeshi avoids economic dependence on external market and destructiv transportation. Gandhi dreamt of self-sufficient village community. swadeshi laid stress on each village being a microcosm of India-a web of loosely inter-connected communities. Gandhiji's swadeshi movement put down a principal opposite to the British, who believed in centralized, industrialised and mechanized modes of production.