discuss high birth rate and decline and death rate as main factors resulting to overpopulation
Fall in death rate:Ever since India became free from The British rule there has been a very distinct fall in death rate.This has happened due to improved medical facilities,better sanitation,etc.
Overpopulation is caused by a number of factors 1) high birth rate 2) Declining death rate.
1) High birth rate:
• High birth rate caused due to the lack of awareness about family planning.
• Most of the people in India are illiterate, and they live below the poverty line.
• They don't have any knowledge about family planning. So birth rate increased it leads to overpopulation.
2) Declining death rate:
• The declining death rate is also one of the reasons for overpopulation.
• Declining death rate because nowadays people have better medical facilities.
• Infectious diseases are the main cause of death. After the industrial revolution, technology has been developed in India so vaccines are found for the diseases.
• So automatically death rates are declined. Improving health facilities and nutrition are also decrease death rates.
These two are the main factors resulting in overpopulation.