Business Studies, asked by zubing84, 5 months ago

Discuss how a development in a corporations societal environment can affect the corporations through its task environment.?


Answered by Bad0BoY



1. Discuss how a development in a corporation’s natural and societal environments can affect the corporation through its task environment.

1. Discuss how a development in a corporation’s natural and societal environments can affect the corporation through its task environment.

1. Discuss how a development in a corporation’s natural and societal environments can affect the corporation through its task environment. 2. According to Porter, what determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry?

1. Discuss how a development in a corporation’s natural and societal environments can affect the corporation through its task environment. 2. According to Porter, what determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry?

1. Discuss how a development in a corporation’s natural and societal environments can affect the corporation through its task environment. 2. According to Porter, what determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry? 3. According to Porter’s discussion of industry analysis, is Pepsi Cola a substitute for Coca-Cola?

1. Discuss how a development in a corporation’s natural and societal environments can affect the corporation through its task environment. 2. According to Porter, what determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry? 3. According to Porter’s discussion of industry analysis, is Pepsi Cola a substitute for Coca-Cola?

1. Discuss how a development in a corporation’s natural and societal environments can affect the corporation through its task environment. 2. According to Porter, what determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry? 3. According to Porter’s discussion of industry analysis, is Pepsi Cola a substitute for Coca-Cola? 4. How can a decision maker identify strategic factors in a corporation’s external international environment?

1. Discuss how a development in a corporation’s natural and societal environments can affect the corporation through its task environment. 2. According to Porter, what determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry? 3. According to Porter’s discussion of industry analysis, is Pepsi Cola a substitute for Coca-Cola? 4. How can a decision maker identify strategic factors in a corporation’s external international environment?

1. Discuss how a development in a corporation’s natural and societal environments can affect the corporation through its task environment. 2. According to Porter, what determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry? 3. According to Porter’s discussion of industry analysis, is Pepsi Cola a substitute for Coca-Cola? 4. How can a decision maker identify strategic factors in a corporation’s external international environment? 5. Compare and contrast trend extrapolation with the writing of scenarios as forecasting techniques..


Answered by neku23

Answer :

Developments or trends in a corporation's societal environment typically do not affect the corporation directly but indirectly through their impact on one or more stakeholder groups in the corporation's task environment. The trend toward dual-career couples is a development in the societal environment of any company operating in the U.S or Canada. Sociocultural forces regarding the changing role of women plus the trend toward single family households combined with the economic forces of high interest rates and inflation in the 1970s to send both men and women searching for full-time jobs in addition to their being parents. This development in the societal environment affected companies through its impact on employee/union groups (who asked for parental leave and/or company-sponsored day care centers), customers (employed parents who increasingly shop for convenience goods because of time constraints), and special interest groups and even governments (who asked business firms to help support local schools and deal with community social problems .

Explanation :

Hope it's help you

please mark as brainlist.

zubing84: How I can present this question in exam
neku23: I don't know
neku23: in which class you are studying.
zubing84: For MBA
neku23: kk
neku23: okk
neku23: ok
neku23: kk
zubing84: Is possible to provide few more points
neku23: sorry bhaiya I am in 11th class
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