Discuss how does the story, All Summer in a Day belong to the category of Science fiction?long answer
Thens on schoolchildren crowding around a window in their classroom as they wait for to develop for Margot, there have been rumors that her parents were planning to take her back to Earth. This apparently makes her classmates hate her even more, and as they're waiting by the window, they begin to play a terrible trick on Margot. They start by telling her the scientists were wrong in their predictions of when the sun would appear, which makes Margot start to panic. Her anxiety only escalates as the children forcibly carry her to a closet and lock her in. Darkly pleased with themselves, the classmates return as their teacher comes in to gather them for the event they've all been waiting for.
As the rain comes to full stop and the children's ears are filled with silence for the first time they can recall, a door slides open, and they rush out into the sunshine. They're almost oblivious to the teacher's warning that they only have two hours as they run through the rapidly growing foliage and enjoy the sun burning their skin. The children lose track of time in their playing and basking in the sunlight, and before they know it, sporadic rain drops have begun to fall again. With some of them even brought to tears, the children begin sadly returning to the school as the last rays of sunlight are replaced by rain clouds.
Once they're back inside, the Venusian storms start again in full force. Suddenly, one of the children remembers that they locked Margot in a closet before they went outside. The entire group is solemn and keeps their faces down turned as they return to the place they left Margot. And not even she speaks a word, as they slowly let her out of the closet and the story ends