Discuss how the low gravity on the moon has been a major reas
for life not developing on the moon.
This may be answer to your question
Low gravity cause the moon to fail gathering an atmosphere.
So no critical gasses - hydrogen, oxygen, water vapor.
And no temperature moderating effects of an atmosphere… so the temperature ranged too wide. alternately freeizn what little what there was and boiling iot off to space
So no liquid water., no plants , no nutrients.
There’s also speculation that lightning storms would have created the opportunities for life starting chemical processes and ions to exist - no atmosphere, no lightning on the Moon.
Low gravity cause the moon to fail gathering an atmosphere.
So no critical gasses - hydrogen, oxygen, water vapor.
And no temperature moderating effects of an atmosphere… so the temperature ranged too wide. alternately freeizn what little what there was and boiling iot off to space
So no liquid water., no plants , no nutrients.
There’s also speculation that lightning storms would have created the opportunities for life starting chemical processes and ions to exist - no atmosphere, no lightning on the Moon.