English, asked by krisnathan03, 7 months ago

Discuss how waste management is ` carried out in your school.`​


Answered by Mariyam121


Avoid sending waste to a landfill. Landfills cause environmental problems, such as unpleasant smells and contaminants and toxins leeching into water and the air.

Educate staff and students about using other ways of disposing of waste, such as recycling, reusing and composting

Think about reusing waste around the school and the school community, including:

taking lost property to your local opportunity shop

using plastic bags as bin liners or as packaging, instead of bubble wrap

having students make recycled paper and use shredded paper as bedding for pets.

Very few schools still use incinerators. They're usually only used at remote schools without easy access to other waste disposal facilities. Incinerators put contaminants into the air and can be a health hazard.

If you use an incinerator to burn waste, you need resource consent as required under the Resource Management Regulations 2004.

Answered by vedanshipatel0706


did you school have dustbins did your school clean dustbins daily did the cleaner in your school clean your classrooms daily daily the cleaner in your school clean the toilet daily to this we have to write thank you

I hope it will help you

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