Environmental Sciences, asked by sahilbhawar338, 11 months ago

Discuss human intervention on carbon cycle and its impact


Answered by sanakhan14
Heya here is your answer
Today, the carbon cycle is changing. Humans are moving more carbon into the atmosphere from other parts of the Earth system. More carbon is moving to the atmosphere when fossil fuels, like coal and oil, are burned. More carbon is moving to the atmosphere as humans get rid of forests by burning the trees.

The Carbon Cycle

Carbon is critical to sustain a huge range of Earth’s functions. Not only is it present in all living beings, it is a major component of a number of minerals (e.g. graphite and diamond). This means that it is abundant across the world, in: the atmosphere (air); biosphere (living and dead organism organisms); hydrosphere (oceans, rivers, and lakes); and lithosphere (soil and rocks). These act as storage areas of ‘reservoirs’ of carbon, either in the short-term (a few minutes) or long-term (millions of years).  As the Earth is such a dynamic environment, processes such as erosion, evaporation, photosynthesis, respiration, and decomposition constantly move carbon between these reservoirs. Carbon enters, is stored, and leaves the different spheres of the Earth through different methods, and in different quantities:

Hope it helps u
Thanks ✅
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