Discuss in detail the views of developing and developed countries on environmental problems.
hello there is nothing but love you all so I could be enough
There is an ongoing debate in environmental sociology about the extent to which concern about environmental problems is a result of the objective deterioration of environmental conditions or subjective values among environmentally-oriented individuals. This study tests both explanations using multi-level models and data from the 2005-2008 World Values Survey and the Climate Risk Index to evaluate concern for global warming and prioritization of environmental protection in 44 countries at various stages of economic development. Findings indicate that a country's recent experience with climate-related environmental disasters has little to no effect on concern for global warming – results that contradict the objective problems explanation of environmental concern. The subjective values explanation receives more support, particularly in countries at the most advanced stage of economic development. As environmental issues become increasingly salient, understanding how economic development status conditions environmental concern could improve international efforts to address climate change and other global environmental problems.
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