. Discuss in your own words, Emile Legouis’ words: ‘The great victories of Edrward III were being
sung in London, and Minot’s poems were current in the country side when Chaucer was born and
when his mind received its first impressions.’
Answered by
Edward IIEdward II(1307-27) was a poor king, bored by the responsibilities of his position and easily swayed by a succession of male favourites. The first of these was Piers Gaveston. He was seized in Edward's absenceby rebellious nobles and summarilytried and executed. The barons forced Edward to agree to reforms in their favour. In 1314 Edward lost the Battle of Bannockburn to Robertthe Bruce and Scotland gained its independence.Edward's EndHugh le DeSpenser was Edward's next favourite and he, along with hisfather, also named Hugh, were virtual rulers of England from 1322-26. Edward's queen, Isabella, finally had enough and raised a rebellion with French aid. She and her lover, Roger Mortimer, defeatedand hanged the DeSpensers and forced Edward to abdicate in favourof his son. The ex-king was kept at Berkeley Castle(Gloucestershire) until brutally put to death in 1327.Edward III(1327-77) was only 15 when he came to the throne. Isabella and Roger Mortimer ruled as regents for three years until Edward rebelled and had Mortimer hanged. Edward proved to be a popular, approachable king.
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