discuss some method of soil conservation
1. Agronomic practices:
Normally, the land will possess a vegetational cover so as to prevent erosion. The measures to be followed must be patterned along the nature’s own methods of conservation. The following are some of the methods.
2. Contour farming:
Crops are cultivated along the contour of the land. The plough marks will be on level and can hold the rain. Even in heavy rain, the runoff is checked by the plants growing along the contour. Tillage: contour tilling will prevent the excess run of water.
3. Mulching
Interculturing operations will kill weeds and soil mulches help the plants to be rooted firmly in the soil.
4. Crop rotations:
Alternatively growing a cereal and a legume in the same field will not only increase the yield, but also increase the fertility of the soil. They also help in checking soil erosion.
5. Strip cropping:
This is an agricultural practice of growing plants in suitable strips in the field. This is of the following types.
6. Contour strip cropping:
This is cultivation of soil protecting crops in strips alternating with erosion permitting crops. The strips should be across the slope
7. Field strip cropping:
Plants are cultivated in parallel strips across the slopes. Wind strip cropping: Crops are planted across the slopes to prevent soil loss. These may be legumes or grasses.
8. Agrostological measures:
Cultivation of grass in a land which is heavily eroded is called an agrostological measure. This is of two types. In ley farming grass is cultivated in rotation with regular crops. This helps in soil protection as well as produce fodder to cattle. If a land is heavily eroded it is best to allow it to the growth of grasses for few years. This will help in the checking of erosion.