discuss some of the social problem in India
Answer:Poverty, Population, Pollution, Illiteracy, Corruption, Inequality, Gender discrimination, Terrorism, Communalism, Lack of Infrastructure, Unemployment, Regionalism, Casteism, Alcoholism, Drugs Abuse, Violence against Women are the major ones.
Some social problems in India:-
1) Economic Factors:
These problems arise due to imbalance in economic distribution such as poverty, unemployment, etc.
2) Cultural Factors:
Problems that arise from established beliefs, values, traditions, laws, and languages of a nation or society fall under this category such as dowry, child marriage, juvenile delinquency, etc.
3) Biological Factors:
The problems that arise due to natural calamities, infectious diseases, famine, etc.
4) Psychological factors:
Problems that arise from ill mental and neurological health fall under this category.
5) Physical Problems:
Though these are problems for the society, but their causes are not based on value conflicts, for example, floods and famines;
6) Ameliorative Problems:
There is consensus about the effects of these problems but there are differences pertaining to their solutions, for example, crime, poverty, and AIDS; and
(iii) Moral Problems:
There is no consensus pertaining to the nature or causes of these problems, for example, gambling, alcoholism, drug abuse, and divorce.