Discuss Tata Business Excellence Model.
Tata Business Excellence Model is a framework which helps companies to achieve excellence in their business performance. This is the chosen model by the TATA group to help in building globally competitive organizations across TATA Group companies. TBEM is based on the Malcolm Balridge National Quality Award Model of the U.S.
The Criteria have three important roles in strengthening competitiveness:
To help improve organizational performance practices, capabilities, and results To facilitate communication and sharing of best practices information among all organisations within TATA Group. To help in guiding organizational planning and opportunities for learningTBEM Criteria is designed to help organizations use an integrated approach to organisational performance management that results in
Delivery of ever-improving value to customers and stakeholders, contributing to organizational sustainabilityImprovement of overall organisational effectiveness and capabilities Organisational and personal learning The Criteria are built on the following set of 11 Interrelated Core Values and Concepts:
Visionary LeadershipCustomer-driven ExcellenceOrganisational and Personal LearningValuing Employees and PartnersAgilityFocus on the FutureManaging for InnovationManagement by FactSocial ResponsibilityFocus on Results and Creating ValueSystems Perspective The Core Values and Concepts are embodied in seven Categories, as follows:
LeadershipStrategic PlanningCustomer and Market FocusMeasurement, Analysis, and Knowledge ManagementWork force FocusProcess ManagementBusiness Results
The TBEM criteria are the operational details of the Core Values, applied to the different facets of a Business organisation.
The seven TBEM Categories shown in the figure are subdivided into Items and Areas to Address.
There are 17 process and results Items, each focusing on a major requirement.
Areas to Address
Items consist of one or more Areas to Address (Areas)”
The TBEM framework has the following characteristics
Focus on Business results Non-prescriptive and Adaptable Maintains System Perspective Supports Goal based diagnosis
TBEM instills a process centric approach in an organisation as a means to achieve the chosen Business Goals
Tata Teleservices Limited as a part of the TATA Group has adopted the TATA Business Excellence model as an intricate part of its operation structure and uses it to grow from strength to strength, keeping Operational excellence and Business results in focus.
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