discuss the advantages and disadvantages of microspores
Pore Type 1: Microspores, generally equant shape, less than 5 microns in diameter. These occur in the finest grained and shaly portions of the sand.
Pore Type 2: Narrow, slotlike pores, generally less than 15 microns in diameter, commonly with slight to strong curvature. These represent reduced primary inter-granular pores resulting from the reduction of original primary pores by extensive cementation.
Pore Type 3: Primary intergranular pores, triangular in shape, with 25 to 50 microns maximum diameter. These are the original primary intergranular pores of the rock that have been affected only minimally by cementation.
Pore Type 4: Solution-enlarged primary pores: oversized primary pores, with 50 to 200 microns maximum diameter, produced through the partial dissolution of rock matrix.