Discuss the brilliant ability of Anton Chekhov as a story teller in Minds in Ferment while revealing the inquisitive nature of man and human nosiness.
Anton Chekhov, in full Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, (born January 29 [January 17, Old Style], 1860, Taganrog, Russia—died July 14/15 [July 1/2], 1904, Badenweiler, Germany), Russian playwright and master of the modern short story. He was a literary artist of laconic precision who probed below the surface of life, laying bare the secret motives of his characters. Chekhov’s best plays and short stories lack complex plots and neat solutions. Concentrating on apparent trivialities, they create a special kind of atmosphere, sometimes termed haunting or lyrical. Chekhov described the Russian life of his time using a deceptively simple technique devoid of obtrusive literary devices, and he is regarded as the outstanding representative of the late 19th-century Russian realist school.Chekhov took his long-winded and ineptly facetious play Wood Demon (1888–89) and converted it—largely by cutting—into Uncle Vanya, one of his greatest stage masterpieces. In another great play, The Cherry Orchard(1904), Chekhov created a poignant picture of Russian landowners in decline, in which characters remain comic despite their very poignancy.