Discuss the causes and results of the battle of buxar
1.Battle of buxar
CAUSES - The seeds of the Battle of Buxar were sown after the Battle of Plassey, when Mir Qasim became the Nawab of Bengal. The primary cause was the conflict between the English and Mir Qasim. Mir Qasim was an independent ruler and was the strongest and ablest of all Nawabs. He undertook some reformation, under which there was a reduction in expenditure on administration and palaces; fire locks and guns were manufactured, there was regular payment of salaries, new taxes were imposed and the capital was shifted from Monghyar to Murshidabad, which annoyed the British nobles and officers. The English wanted Mir to remain as a puppet in their hands. But, he always wanted to keep himself away from the British influence. And then the conflict was started...
RESULT OF THE WAR - The Battle of Buxar had far-reaching results so far as the establishment of the British Empire in India is concerned. It influenced the political condition of Bengal in particular and that of India in general.