Political Science, asked by sourabh15795, 1 year ago

Discuss the causes and various phases of Cold War.​


Answered by 09zishan


Various causes are responsible for the outbreak of the Cold War. At first, the difference between Soviet Russia and USA led to the Cold War. The United States of America could not tolerate the Communist ideology of Soviet Russia. ... So, the whole world was divided into two power blocs and paved the way for the Cold War.

Answered by skyfall63

The Cold War -"Rivalry between the US & USSR"  following the WWII.


Tension between US&USSR

  • At the end of the WWII, conflicts between the US & the Soviet Union triggerd the Cold War. In the WWII, under Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union alliances against Nazi  Italy, Japan, & Germany, alongside France, the US, & Britain.
  • At the moment, the coalition was built on the overthrow of the Europe's totalitarian govts & the Japanese Pacific expansionism. In 1945, the big conflicts started to end at both "European theatre &Pacific theatre". USSR's relationship with the other allied countries started to crumble in these final stages of WWII.

Nuclear Arms Race

  • At the conclusion of the WWII, the next big catalyst of the Cold War was the advent of nuclear missiles. The WWII in Europe began with the Allied Powers defection of Nazi Germany in May 1945, but the war in the Pacific Theater formally ended in August 1945 only when atomic bombardments of Japan took effect.
  • In its covert plan named the "Manhattan complex", the US established its nuclear bombs in the final years of the war. The US began the age of nuclear bombs and the arms revolution with the atomic bombing of Japan. USSR conducted the first nuclear weapon, coded as 'the First Lighting" , on 29th August 1949.
  • USSR & US did not support each other because of the nuclear arms development. They then established broad nuclear arms arsenals in the first decades of the Cold War. In the 1940's & the 1950's, however, the first nuclear weapon development was considered a trigger of the cold war, when the conflict between the US & USSR grew, contributing to a risky fight for nuclear arms.

Capitalism Vs Communism

  • The ideological conflict between the US & the USSR was the third big trigger of the Cold War. During those days, US was a communist nation founded on fascism/collectivism, whereas the US was a modern western democratic society centered mainly on individualism ideals.
  • The US,dreaded USSR's extension into European & foreign territories. Thus, at the height of the Cold War, the President of the United States, Harry S. Truman, formulated a strategy to curtail the proliferation of communism in the world. It is considered the "Truman Doctrine".

Spread of Communism

  • At the height of the Cold War, the US &  USSR had a big political clash. The US, believed communism would expand to Europe.
  • Turkey & Greece had experienced financial difficulties during World War II. Since they are near to the USSR  border and because communism has been rising in recent decades, it was believed that both countries would become USSR-led and communist.
  • The premise that the US was seek to control USSR power & the propagation of communism through the "Trumán Doctrine".

Phases of the Cold War

First Phase: (1946-1949)

  • US & USSR were rivals. US attempted to control USSR's Red Regime
  • USSR "established" "communism in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia & other East European nations, thereby destroying democracy
  • America helped Turkey & Greece by "following" "Truman Doctrine" & "Marshall Plan" provided Western European nations with financial assistance
  • NATO was formed, and the Cold War halted

Second Phase: (1949-1953)

  • Treaty  signed between New Zealand, Australia, and the US (Sept '57) and US signed a treaty with Japan (Sept '1951).
  • Taking army from China & armaments from USSR, North Korea declared war against South Korea. US then sent military aid to South Korea. Peace treaty was signed in 1953 & it ended the war.
  • USSR tried to equal  US by testing atom bomb.

Third Phase (1953-1957)

  • US setup the SEATO (1954) and MEDO in Middle East (1955)  to reduce USSR’s influence.
  • USSR signed Warsaw  & and a defence pact with 12 Countries.to reduce US influence.
  • An agreement was signed between US & USSR regarding the Suez Crisis. US agreed not to help her allies like England and France.

Fourth Phase (1957-1962)

  • USSR & US became upset with Berlin Crisis & U-2 events. Soviet Russia established a Berlin Wall on 13st August 1961. "Cuba’s Missile" Crisis had contributed much to the cold war.

Fifth Phase (1962-1969)

  • Global concern demanding nuclear weapons' ban.
  • Line was "established" between the "Kremlin & White House". This forced both the parties to "refrain" from "nuclear war".

Sixth Phase (1969-1978)

  • Marked by "DETENTE" between US & USSR- the "US President" "Nixon" and "Russian President" "Brezhnev" played a crucial role for ending to the Cold War.
  • US converted "Diego Garcia" into a military base  to check the USSR presence in the Indian Ocean.
  • SALT 1972, the Security summit Conference, 1975 in Helsinki Belgrade & Helsinki Conference of 1978 brought USSR & US closer.

Last Phase (1979-1987)

  • US & USSR signed SALT II.
  • Prospects of alleviating Cold War were "marred" by development in Afghanistan.
  • Human Rights & Open Diplomacy policies of the US were criticised by USSR.
  • USSR withdrew from a missile talk with the US.
  • "New Cold War" between USSR & US continued till the year 1987.

skyfall63: PS Note: One more crucial reason for the Cold War was Yalta Conference & Postdam Conference
skyfall63: In the last months of the WWII and the advent of the Cold War, the "Yalta Conference and the Postdam Conference" became an significant events. The Yalta Conference took place from 4-11of February 1945 and was a conference of the Allied representatives, including Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, & Franklin D. Roosevelt, during a wartime, & revealed the tensions between Stalin and the 2 other leaders.
skyfall63: Neither side trusted each other & Stalin had claimed that they postponed the invasion of Normandy & the allied invasion of Italy so that the Soviet army struggle against Germany all alone.
skyfall63: LAST PHASE ALSO INCLUDE THIS POINT PLS: US & USSR boycotted Moscow (held in USSR) & Los Angels (held in US) Olympics respectively
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