Economy, asked by Rossily, 1 year ago

Discuss the causes of poverty in India.​


Answered by Anonymous


Main Causes of Poverty in India

(i) Heavy pressure of population:

(ii) Unemployment and under employment:

(iii) Capital Deficiency:

(iv) Under-developed economy:

(v) Increase in Price:

(vi) Net National Income:

(vii) Rural Economy:

(viii) Lack of Skilled Labour:

Answered by Anonymous


  • High population.

Population of India has increased a lot by the passing years. The census is increasing. A high population puts a lot of pressure on the natural resources.

  • Lack of jobs.

When there is high population only few people get jobs and others ae left unemployed.

  • Under developed areas.

Some people live in slums, they don't get proper facilities there.

  • Lack of education.

When people are less educated it also causes poverty as they don't get proper jobs.

In a way or other high population and education are interlinked with everything.

This all contributes in the poverty of a nation.

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