History, asked by ankesh99, 4 months ago

discuss the characteristics administrative policy of the British government after 1857 ??

1857 के बाद ब्रिटिश सरकार की प्रशासनिक नीति की विशेषताओं पर चर्चा ??? word limits 175​


Answered by patrasmrutimayee1


The administrative policy of the Company underwent frequent changes during the long period between 1751 and 1857. However, it never lost sight of its main objects which were −

To increase the Company's profits;

To enhance the profitability of its Indian possessions to Britain; and

To maintain and strengthen the British hold over India.

The administrative machinery of the Government of India was designed and developed to serve these ends. The main emphasis in this respect was placed on the maintenance of law and order so that trade with India and exploitation of its resources could be carried out without disturbance.

The Structure of the Government

From 1765 to 1772, in the period of the Dual Government, Indian officials were allowed to function as before but under the over-all control of the British Governor and British officials.

The Indian officials had responsibility but no power while the Company's officials had power but no responsibility. Both sets of officials were venal and corrupt men.

In 1772, the Company ended the Dual Government and undertook to administer Bengal directly through its own servants. But the evils inherent in the administration of a country by a purely commercial company soon came to the surface.

The East India Company was at this time a commercial body designed to trade with the East. Moreover, its higher authority was situated in England, many thousands of miles away from India.

The parliamentary politics of Britain during the latter half of the 18th century were corrupt in the extreme.

Answered by lakshaysoni01279473


The administrative policy of the Company underwent frequent changes during the long period between 1751 and 1857. However, it never lost sight of its main objects which were −

To increase the Company's profits;

To enhance the profitability of its Indian possessions to Britain; and

To maintain and strengthen the British hold over India.

The administrative machinery of the Government of India was designed and developed to serve these ends. The main emphasis in this respect was placed on the maintenance of law and order so that trade with India and exploitation of its resources could be carried out without disturbance.

वे प्रशासनिक पुनर्गठन की प्रकृति में बहुत अधिक थे, जिसका मुख्य उद्देश्य व्यय को कम रखना और आय में वृद्धि करना था। सिद्धांत के साथ-साथ व्यवहार में, केंद्र सरकार सर्वोच्च बनी रही और प्रांतीय सरकारों पर प्रभावी और विस्तृत नियंत्रण का प्रयोग करती रही।

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