Discuss the commercialisation of indian agriculture inder the colonial rule
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Commercialisation of agriculture is a phenomenon where agriculture is governed bycommercial consideration i.e. certain specialised crops began to be grown not for consumption in village but for sale in national and even in international market.
Commercialization of agriculture in ndia began during the British rule.!evolutionary changes had occurred in the agrarian property relations towards the end of the"#th century. $he commercialization of ndian agriculture started post "#"% when theindustrial revolution in England gained pace. Commercialization of agriculture became prominent around "#&' A.D (during American Civil )ar which boosted demand of Cottonfrom ndia to Britain as Aerica was not able to e*port Cotton+.
$he commercialization of ndian Agriculture took place not to feed the industries of ndia because ndia was far behind in industrial development as compared to Britain, -rance,Belgium and many other European countries of eighteenth century.
$he commercialization of ndian Agriculture was done primarily to feed the Britishindustries that it was taken up and achieved only in casesof those agricultural products whichwere either needed by the British industries or could fetch cash commercial gain to theBritish in the European or American market.-or e*ample, several efforts were made to increase the production of cotton in ndia to provide raw and good /uality cotton to the cottonte*tile industries of Britain which weregrowing fast after the ndustrial !evolution in Britain. $herefore, cotton growing areaincrease in ndia and its production increased manifold with gradual lapse of time. ndigo andmore than that, tea and coffee plantation were encouraged in ndia because these could getcommercial market abroad.
0ost of the plantations for commercial crops were controlled by the English. 1ute wasanother product that received attention of the English company because the 2ute made products got a ready market in America and Europe.
Cash transactions become the basis of e*change and largely replaced the barter system
$he commercialization of ndia agriculture was initiated in ndia by the Britishthrough their direct and indirect policies and activities.
Commercialization of agriculture in ndia began during the British rule.!evolutionary changes had occurred in the agrarian property relations towards the end of the"#th century. $he commercialization of ndian agriculture started post "#"% when theindustrial revolution in England gained pace. Commercialization of agriculture became prominent around "#&' A.D (during American Civil )ar which boosted demand of Cottonfrom ndia to Britain as Aerica was not able to e*port Cotton+.
$he commercialization of ndian Agriculture took place not to feed the industries of ndia because ndia was far behind in industrial development as compared to Britain, -rance,Belgium and many other European countries of eighteenth century.
$he commercialization of ndian Agriculture was done primarily to feed the Britishindustries that it was taken up and achieved only in casesof those agricultural products whichwere either needed by the British industries or could fetch cash commercial gain to theBritish in the European or American market.-or e*ample, several efforts were made to increase the production of cotton in ndia to provide raw and good /uality cotton to the cottonte*tile industries of Britain which weregrowing fast after the ndustrial !evolution in Britain. $herefore, cotton growing areaincrease in ndia and its production increased manifold with gradual lapse of time. ndigo andmore than that, tea and coffee plantation were encouraged in ndia because these could getcommercial market abroad.
0ost of the plantations for commercial crops were controlled by the English. 1ute wasanother product that received attention of the English company because the 2ute made products got a ready market in America and Europe.
Cash transactions become the basis of e*change and largely replaced the barter system
$he commercialization of ndia agriculture was initiated in ndia by the Britishthrough their direct and indirect policies and activities.
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