Discuss the condition necessary for the cultivation of tea and coffee
A. temperature --- 15 degree to 30 degree celcius
B. soil type --- well drained alluvial soil
C. rainfall --- 150 cm to 300 cm
The climatic and other geographical conditions for the cultivation of tea are :
i) Nature of climate : Tea grows best in hot and humid climate.
ii) Temperature : General temperature for tea ranges approximately from 16℃ - 35℃ but the best condition is 25℃.
iii) Rainfall : Well-distributed rainfall is needed for growth of tea. A rainfall of 150-250 cm is required.
iv) Land : Hill slopes and rolling plateaus are preferred for tea cultivation.
v) Soil : Fertile loamy and sandy soil rich in iron are suitable for tea plants.
The climatic and other geographical conditions for the cultivation of coffee are :
i) Nature of climate : Coffee grows best in hot and humid tropical climate. Especially equatorial climate is favourable for coffee cultivation.
ii) Temperature : General temperature for coffee ranges approximately from 20℃ - 25℃ or 28℃.
iii) Rainfall : Well-distributed rainfall is needed for growth of coffee and thus a rainfall of 150-250 cm is required.
iv) Land : Sloping highlands, especially foothills of mountains and hilly slopes are suitable for coffee cultivation.
v) Soil : Coffee grows best in fertile laterite soil and red loamy soil.