Discuss the criteria for handling processes of curriculum planning
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nel, and observing committees and other
groups in action. In order to have consistency
and uniformity in the data gathering, an
interview schedule, an observation guide,
questionnaires, and a list to be used for the
examination of materials were composed.
The same questions were asked, the
same types of material were examined, and
similar observations were carried out in each
school situation. This was done by consider
ing for each criterion the types of information
that could be secured to determine the extent
of its attainment in any particular school
Following the evaluation of the 24 cri
teria in the three exemplary school systems,
the following conclusions were drawn:
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1. The 24 criteria were of a manageable
size for carrying out an analysis as described.
2. The criteria listed were comprehensive.
3. The criteria proved to be crucial, func
tional, and observable.
4. There is in general a strong agreement
between what the authorities in the literature
state are the criteria for the process of curricu
lum development and what is practiced in ex
emplary school systems.
5. A need was evidenced for central co
ordination for all curriculum decisions. This
responsibility can best be carried out by one
person in the central office.
6. Size of the school district appears to be
a determining factor as to whether there is a
central coordinating committee. The larger a
school system becomes, the less likely it will be
that a central committee will be functioning.
7. Experimentation, evaluation, and analy
sis of the learners' needs require extra money
and were carried out to a greater extent in the
more affluent school district.
8. The preparation of behavioral objec
tives has become a desirable feature of the cur
riculum development process.
9. The list of 24 criteria could be em
ployed to rate or guide school systems in cur
riculum development processes.
1. School systems interested in carrying
on effective curriculum development practices
should use an instrument such as the list of
criteria in this study to measure their program.
2. Administrator leadership should en
courage individualism on both a building basis
and in the classroom. A "grass roots" approach
is recommended.
3. More should be done in school systems
to encourage student and citizen involvement
in the goal-setting stage in curriculum develop
4. Opportunities should be afforded all
staff members, both administrators and teach
ers, to help develop and to gain an understand
ing of the philosophy and goals of the school.
5. More effort should be put forth for
experimentation and evaluation, especially in
districts interested in relevant curricula.
Hope it helps you!! plz mark it as brainliest....