Social Sciences, asked by yavoysinghomjeesingh, 1 year ago

discuss the different type of forest​


Answered by suneelrastogi81078


different type of forest are

densely forest

Conifer forest

pine forest

deciduous forest

evergreen forest

Answered by mdcy


the different types of forest found in India are tropicalevergreen forest, tropical deciduous forest, tropical thorn forest ,montane forest, mangrove forest


  • tropical evergreen forests are found in the regions of heavy rainfall the trees are 60 metres in height the main trees found are ebony, mahogany Rosewood , rubber, bamboo. the trees do not shed their leaves at particular time so they appear green

throughout the year

  • tropical deciduous forests are the most widespread forests of India they are in found in the regions receiving 70 to 200 CM of rainfall there of two types wet deciduous (100 to 200 CM)and dry deciduous forest(70 to100 cm) examples teak, neem ,peepal,Khair, Arjun

  • tropical thorn forests are found in the regions of scanty rainfall the trees have long penetrating root to take up the groundwater and thick and small leaves to prevent loss of water example euphorbia, acacia, cactus
  • the type of vegetation found in mountain and hilly regions is called montane vegetation it is having many dimensions firstly wet temperate forests( oaks and chestnuts) are found from a height of 1000 to2000 above the sea level next from 1500 to 3000 metres coniferous trees( pine, cedar,deodar) are found then above 3600 metres alpine vegetation( silver for, juniper,birches)is found then the Alpine trees give way to tundra region( mosses and lichens).Then we have the ice caps where no vegetation is found.
  • mangrove forest are foundin the coastal regions where the soil is full of silt example the Sundarban delta where sundari trees are found


hope it helps you

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