discuss the economic activities of state in different fiscal systems.
traditional economic development policies primarily targeted at external
sources of growth through attracting new firms or firm relocations; and
2. policies which recognize that the engine for economic growth is typically
the small firm and, therefore, focus on promoting internal growth by
supporting entrepreneurship and creating an environment conducive to
private economic activity.
To address these issues, the report is broken into six sections following this
introductory section. The next section discusses what is meant by local economic
growth and development. That is followed by a section, which lays out the general
theoretical framework for thinking about local economic growth and development. This
section is followed by a general discussion of why some metropolitan areas grow and
some do not. The next section discusses the literature on which factors affect firm
location and economic growth. That is followed by a discussion of the specific impact of
state and local fiscal policies on local economic growth and development. The final
section then discusses the notion of a balanced tax system, which promotes local
economic growth and development, but does not unduly burden any