Discuss the following topics in groups. What, according to you, is the story about? Consider the following
(i) How the world began.
(ii) Why everyone should do his/her share of work seriously.
(iii) How animals are important to humans.
(iv) How the camel got his hump.
Answers to all the questions above are given as under:-
Q.1.How was earth formed?
A.1.Though there are millions of theories about how earth was formed but the most trusted theory was
that Earth formed around 4.54 billion years ago, approximately one-third the age of the universe, by accretion from the solar nebula.Volcanic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere and then the ocean, but the early atmosphere contained almost no oxygen. Much of the Earth was molten because of frequent collisions with other bodies which led to extreme volcanism. Later life also started first fish and other animals came to life.
Q.2.Why everyone should do his/her share of work seriously.
A.2.Absolutely not.According to latest researches,it is discovered that we must work as far as we enjoy it but not be burdened by it because we may develop diseases if we are not happy.
(iii) How animals are important to humans.
A.3.Animals are extremely important to us because they help us in our work.Some animals are domestic animals.Animals give us wool,milk,eggs,meat.Some animals help us carrying loads.
Besides that they are living creatures and deserve to live
(iv) How the camel got his hump.
Once upon a time there were many domestic animals like camel,dog,cat,sheep,donkey,horse etc.
All were hard-working except camel.One day the animals complained to the Jinn of deserts about camel's behaviour.The jinn asked camel to work but camel said "Humphh".
The jinh made a Hump on camel's body that makes him work for several days without eating ke drinking.
the answer to the question would vary from one person to another. it is suggested that you read the text carefully and try a tempting it on your own.