Discuss the importance of khilafat movement in India
But the movement came to an end with the abolition of the Caliphate in Turkey in 1922. and when Turkey went on to become a secular nation. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk became the first President of Republic of Turkey.
Importance of Khilafat Movement
Opportunity for the Muslim leadership: Some feel that the movement provided an opportunity for the Muslim leaders to take interest in the national affairs. They began to believe that the nation was equally concerned with problems affecting the Muslims.
Impact on urban Muslims: The Khilafat movement brought the urban Muslims into national movement. There was nothing wrong, in principle, that a national movement should support a cause which affected a section of the community.
Element of anti-imperialism: There was an element of anti-imperialism in both the national and Khilafat movements. These movements could have been used as common platform to fight against imperialism.
The muslim population in India started a powerful agitation known as the khilafat movement, under the leadership of the Ali brothers-Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali, Maulana Azad, Hakim Ajmal Khan and Hasrat Mohani.
'Khilafat Day' was observed on October 17, 1919 on an all-India scale.
Mahatma Gandhi was elected as the president of the All-India khilafat Conference in November 1919.
By August 31, 1920, the khilafat Non-Cooperation Movement started. People resigned from government services; shops selling foreign goods were picketed; students boycotted schools and colleges; and 'hartals' and demonstrations were held.
By the end of 1920, the khilafat movement and the congress non-cooperation movement merged into one nationwide movement.
In 1921, the khilafat committee appealed to all the muslims not to join the police and armed forces and not to pay taxes. This enraged the government. The Ali brothers were arrested on charges of sedition.