discuss the irony present in the Novel Swami and friends
Humour and laughter are the greatest virtues that God has bestowed on man.
A sense of humour makes one see one‟s proper place in this world, and teaches him to see things in proportion. Both humour and laughter are universal, though there are national differences on certain aspects. They have their place in all arts and their enjoyment leads to aesthetic experience of a unique kind.
The humour of situation and character represent the higher forms of humour. R.K.Narayan has written stories in which humour arises out of situation or character or stories in which situation and character combine to produce the humorous effect. Narayan has excelled in producing humour of situation as well as of character. He has taken his raw material from the people and events around him.
Narayan is the greatest of the humorists among the Indo-Anglian novelists. His humour is all-pervasive and most varied. We get in him farcical humour or humour of situation, humour of character, or humour arising from the old and the grotesque in character and person. We also get in him verbal humour arising from jokes, jests, repartees, retorts, and by the clever use of language in various ways. His humour often mingles with pathos, and then we smile through our tears. He can be comic even at the moments of highest tragedy.
Satiric humour is also there in his novels. He satirises greedy businessmen and money-lenders, extorting house-owners, black-marketeers and profiteers, or producers of obscene films, fake sadhus and credulous simpletons, but his satire is so mild and gentle that it is often difficult to decide whether Narayan is being satiric, or he is merely exposing and ridiculing for the amusement of his readers. His humour is genial and kindly, for he accepts life as it is, with all its follies and foibles, and is not carried away by the zeal of the reformer. By nature he is a humorist and not a satirist.
hope this is helpful for you