discuss the main cause of french revolution
#1 Social Inequality in France due to the Estates System.
#2 Tax Burden on the Third Estate.
#3 Ideas put forward by Enlightenment philosophers.
#4 The Rise in the Cost of Bread.
#5 Financial Crisis caused due to Costly Wars.
#6 Drastic Weather and Poor Harvests in the preceding years.
The Main causes of French Revolution are :-)
1 despotic rules of king Louis XVI:-) due to financial crisis King Louis XVI forced to increase taxes which was mostly paid by the people of third state which create a tension in society.
2 privileges and burdens of French society. French society was divided into three types of society :-)
1 first estate
2 second estate
3 third estate
the member of the first two estate that is clergy and the nobility enjoyed certain privileges by but this discrimination led to the Revolution by the third estate .
3 rising prices :-) the population of France had increase this result into more demands of food grains which leads to increase of prices of food grains .
4 inspiration by the philosophy :-) the philosophers like John Locke, rousseau and montesquieu spread the ideas of equality which inspired the people .
5 role of the middle class :-) another major causes was the role of the middle class who earned their wealth are expanding trades of manufactured goods being exported .