Discuss the problems and prospects of irrigation farming in Nigeria
Nigerian agriculture is not living up to its potential. In a system mostly dependent on the rainfed cultivation, many Nigerians face ongoing food insecurity and poverty, due in part to chronic under-investment in agriculture. If Nigeria is to attain robust and sustainable growth, it must improve agricultural methods, starting from the ground up. Our research modeling the impact of expanded small-scale irrigation in Nigeria shows this approach has great potential to boost agricultural productivity, and along with it, the economy.
Repairing a broken system
Currently, only 1 percent of Nigerian cropland is irrigated, meaning most farmers can cultivate their fields only during the rainy season. This also leaves farmers and food-insecure populations vulnerable to the changing and unpredictable climate. Expanding irrigation systems in Nigeria would reduce some of the risks of the current system—lessening the impact of droughts that have contributed to widespread famine in the past and extending the productive growing season.
The problems and prospects of irrigation farming in Nigeria are discussed below are :
- In countries like Africa south of the Sahara such as Nigeria irrigation adoptions was increased so much that it was considered critical for agricultural transformation . so iys agriculture situation is not upto its potential .
- Due to chronic under investment in agriculture Nigerians face ongoing food insecurity and poverty.
- In order to attain sustainable growth and robust Nigeria must improves its agricultural methods , starting from the ground up.
- For future assessment Nigeria could do these following perspective which are :
(1) Challenges inherent in the tropics.
(2) Experience in a favorable area within Nigeria.
(3) Factor endowments.
- Expansion in irrigation could only be made successfull may be on basis of labor in the short to medium term.
- Due to country's tropical environment Nigeria face constraints in expansion of irrigation.