Hindi, asked by dhakamayank218, 10 months ago

Discuss the relationship between liberty and equality .with 500 words


Answered by dcharan1150

स्वतंत्रता और समानता में रिश्ता।


प्राचीन काल से ही विश्व के कई सारे देशों में उपनिवेशवाद का साया गिर चुका है, जहां पर उत्पीड़न, शोषण और अत्याचार के अलावा कोई दूसरी चीज़ देखने को ही नहीं मिलता है। देश में बसे नागरिकों को पशु से भी हिन माना जाता था उपनिवेशवाद शासन व्यवस्था में।

परंतु जब देश को स्वतंत्रता मिली तब नागरिकों को अपने-अपने मौलिक कर्तव्यों पर अपना जन्मगत हक मिला। सबको समान माना गया और लिंग-जाती-धर्म में भेद मीट गए। जब लोगों को स्वतंत्रता मिली तो समाज में असमानता अपने-आप ही मीट गई।

Answered by shishir303

    ....Relationship between Liberty and equality ....

There is a very close relationship between Liberty and Equality, both complement each other. Where there is no equality, then there is no meaning of liberty. However, according to some scholars, there is no relation between liberty and equality and there can be liberty without equality and equality can be maintained even without liberty. There have been various opinions of scholars in this subject and this has been a subject of controversy, but in the present context, there is a deep relation between liberty and equality.

In the democratic era today, where democratic governance is either going on almost everywhere, or where the demand for democratic governance continues to arise, the importance of the relation of liberty and equality increases further.

No citizen gets freedom in any monarchy. In a democracy, only the citizen can get liberty. In a monarchy there is no equality, in a democracy, only equality is practiced. Therefore, in this democratic era, liberty and equality are complementary to each other and both also have a deep relationship.

Take the India for example, India is a democratic country and it is because of its democratic values ​​that every citizen is free and every citizen is treated equally. In this way, here both liberty and equality complement each other. There are some countries where the rule is still a monarchy and there is also a system of discrimination. Because there is a monarchy, there is no equality.

Therefore, in today's time, there is no doubt that liberty and equality are closely related.


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