discuss the relationship between Media and communalism.by 100 words
Media, in both its traditional and newer forms, helpe ideologies and ideas to
spread. As has been discussed in the rise of public sphere by Jurgen Habermas in
the context of Europe, the public associations, clubs, public gatherings and later
on print media which included newspapers, novels, textbooks, etc., have all helped
many ideas to spread. Benedict Anderson, for example, called nation as an Imagined Community as it was created because of spread of imagined ideas of
nation by the print media since the 18th century onwards. In relation to
communalism in India, the media plays an influential role in creation and spread
of communalism. Its role becomes crucial in reporting, explaining and
commenting on communal riots or violence; about the reasons for occurrence of
communal violence, role of leaders of different communities and politicians.
The media includes print media – newspapers, magazines, and electronic media
(television channels), and social media (WhatsApp, face book, tweeter, email).
While media plays a decisive role in generating awareness among the people, on
several occasions it has contributed to the spread of communal divide in the
country. In the recent past, fake news, have become quite frequent to arouse
communal passion in the society. Many of the news in the media are based on
rumours and unverified facts. The social media for example has a reach which
very few previous media had. It is also not controlled through censorship and
other ways; any news or information, which may cause violence or animosity
among different groups of people travels rapidly.
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