Discuss the role of Dr. Cuss and Mr. Bunting in the novel, 'The Invisible Man'.
Mr.Bunting is the vicar of iping and thus is held in very high esteem by his fellow villagers .He is a rational being and when Mr. Cuss narrates to him the story of his interview with the invisible man ,he tries to calm him down and get his fact right .He was suspicious about what Mr. Cuss narrated and cosiderd it to be a most remarkable story .We see that he is also very bold and brave When invisible man was robbing them ,he did not get scared .He kept his cool .He did not act in panic and tried to see who the robber was .Later, we see his investigative nature also .He tried to decipher Griffin’s book with the help of Mr.Cuss However ,he was quit showy and tried to hide the fact that he had forgotten all his Greek .