Social Sciences, asked by DheerajMehlawat2862, 1 year ago

Discuss the role of electronic media in shaping the public opinion in india


Answered by myrakincsem
Electronic media becomes the essential part of today life. It seems to have to more influence on the general public as their interaction with the media increasing . These are the main source of information as well as the education also. In the modern days the experts are presenting their ideas on the television radio etc people grab these ideas and set their mindset in the right or against it. These have extraordinary effects on the thoughts of people in our country also. People are thinking that these type of media are more trustworthy so believes on this sources for opinions and information. Thus  this helps in shaping the views of people. The use of technology make the people to have the ideas about many things so people have their own mind set this regard. These mindsets are expressed in general public and seen when interviewing them or on the internet videos. This is why the things which media is showing specially the television and radios etc are something what are shaping the views of people.
Answered by keer2905


The mass media

Newspapers, radio, television, and the Internet—including e-mail and blogs—are usually less influential than the social environment, but they are still significant, especially in affirming attitudes and opinions that are already established. The news media focus the public’s attention on certain personalities and issues, leading many people to form opinions about them. Government officials accordingly have noted that communications to them from the public tend to “follow the headlines.”

The mass media can also reinforce latent attitudes and “activate” them, prompting people to take action. Just before an election, for example, voters who earlier had only a mild preference for one party or candidate may be inspired by media coverage not only to take the trouble to vote but perhaps also to contribute money or to help a party organization in some other way.

The mass media play another important role by letting individuals know what other people think and by giving political leaders large audiences. In this way the media make it possible for public opinion to encompass large numbers of individuals and wide geographic areas. It appears, in fact, that in some European countries the growth of broadcasting, especially television, affected the operation of the parliamentary system. Before television, national elections were seen largely as contests between a number of candidates or parties for parliamentary seats. As the electronic media grew more sophisticated technologically, elections increasingly assumed the appearance of a personal struggle between the leaders of the principal parties concerned. In the United States, presidential candidates have come to personify their parties. Once in office, a president can easily appeal to a national audience over the heads of elected legislative representatives.

In areas where the mass media are thinly spread, as in developing countries or in countries where the media are strictly controlled, word of mouth can sometimes perform the same functions as the press and broadcasting, though on a more limited scale. In developing countries, it is common for those who are literate to read from newspapers to those who are not, or for large numbers of persons to gather around the village radio or a community television. Word of mouth in the marketplace or neighbourhood then carries the information farther. In countries where important news is suppressed by the government, a great deal of information is transmitted by rumour. Word of mouth (or other forms of person-to-person communication, such as text messaging) thus becomes the vehicle for underground public opinion in totalitarian countries, even though these processes are slower and usually involve fewer people than in countries where the media network is dense and uncontrolled.

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