Biology, asked by ram12341, 1 year ago

discuss the role of salivary glands , liver and pancreas of digestion in human beings .

.....thanks ............


Answered by Anonymous
Hello friend

Good evening


1 )) Salivary glands :

====> tLhese have three pairs of glands parotid, sublingual and submaxillary which are located in the buccal cavity the secretion of these glands is called saliva saliva is very important for digestion as it contains starch digesting enzyme ptyalin saliva is also contains mucus, which lubricates the food passage and helps in the chewing and mastication of food.

2 )) Liver :

===> liver is the largest gland of the body it is placed in the upper right side of the abdomen liver secretes a watery, alkaline secretion known as bile it contains bile pigments and bile salts the bile secreted by the liver cells is concentrated and stored in gallbladder bile does not contain any enzyme but it serves to alkaline the medium of duodenum it also helps to emulsified fats emulsification it is the process of breaking down of fat molecules into small globals

3 )) Pancreas :

===> pancreas is the second largest gland of the body it is a mixed gland because it has exocrine part enzyme secreted as well as endocrine part hormone secreting pancreas lies beneath the stomach exocrine reason of pancreas secretes digestive enzymes like trypsin-chymotrypsin and beta amylase etc and the endocrine reason secrets organs like insulin and glucagon both file and pancreatic Juice entered duodenum through a common duct.



Anonymous: Kuch bhi nahi hua
Answered by Shanaya200
heya dear friend
here is ur answer

Function of salivary glands
Salivary glands secrete the hormone salivary amalyse which mix up with the food and help in break down of carbohydrates into sugar

Function of liver
Liver secret the bile juice which help in emulsification of fat
it also convert glucose to glcogen .
help in controlling the blood sugar level
also regulates fluid balance in blood

Function of pancreas
pancreas secrets the two hormone glucagon and insulin
Glucagon help in maintaining glucose level
insulin help in control sugar level amd also uptake glucose

hope it helps

Shanaya200: thnx
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