Discuss the rules that need to be applied for sustainable development to succeed in terms of inputs and outputs
The term sustainable development has been present for years in public debates about future – future of cities, people and animals. Its concept is based on providing the balance between human need to reach goals in line with his expectations of civilization, his right to function in harmony with nature and its pure form. Such a broad definition had to be narrowed down in order to avoid misinterpretation and possible misuse that could eventually harm us all.
The document that defines sustainable development was drawn up at the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in June 1992. It includes 27 rules under the common title “Rio Declaration. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development”
Sustainable development means to exploit the resource fully in such a way so as to leave it for future generation also.
Adopting sustainability framework can help to address the social, economic and environmental challenges.
1. Human being should always be core subject of concerns for sustainable development.
2. Special situation and needs of developing countries, specially the least developed and the most environmentally vulnerable, shall be given special priority.
3.States should reduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns of production, growth and consumption and promote healthy ways.
4. Scientific understanding through exchanges of scientific and technological knowledge through integrating various feilds.